A CAMPAIGN is being launched to raise awareness of debt in Richmondshire.

Next month, hundreds of balloons are to be released outside the Richmondshire Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) in Bargate, Richmond, to publicise an information card on the subject.

The Richmondshire debt task group has produced the wallet-sized card, which is available in shops, banks, pubs, libraries and doctors' surgeries.

It contains local and national telephone numbers of organisations that can advise people how their debt can be managed and controlled.

Much of the advice is available free.

Angie House, the manager of Richmondshire CAB, said: "Since April last year, Richmondshire CAB has dealt with almost £1m of debt, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

"However, it is not an unmanageable problem and we are here to help.

"The secret is to talk about it and not bury our heads in the sand.

"Debt can be taken under control and reduced.

"It does not need to take over our lives."