TEENAGERS have used sticks to hit baby rabbits off the top of a cliff like golf balls.

The three youths were seen arriving at the top of the cliff, at Skinningrove, in North Yorkshire, carrying two bags of baby rabbits.

One man saw the youths kick and hit the rabbits down a slope using boots and big sticks.

Thomas Hume, 74, said one of the animals was hit with such force it flew through the air for 20 yards.

He saw another soaring over the cliff after being hit with a stick.

"You just cannot understand this sort of cruelty," he said.

His 17-year-old grandson, Colin Taylor, later rescued one of the bunnies that survived.

Mr Hume said: "Colin was out for a walk afterwards and found one of the terrified rabbits. He was incensed and brought it home and we are looking after it.

"A local pensioner was actually sat nearby when this happened.

"He was absolutely appalled with the cruelty involved and challenged the youths, but they just gave him vile abuse."

An RSPCA spokesman said: "This is an appalling act of cruelty."

The saved rabbit is black and white and about four months old. The crime occurred on Monday teatime.

Anyone with information is asked to call the RSPCA's national hotline on 0870 5555999.