SOME of the region's best amateur dramatics producers, actors and companies have been honoured at an awards ceremony.

Sedgefield Players Drama Festival of One Act Plays was held over five nights in Sedgefield Parish Hall, County Durham, to celebrate its 30th anniversary.

A cake was baked by local caf No 4 for the event.

l The results were:

Best Production award: Cliffe Theatre, in Eaglescliffe, Teesside, for The Dock Brief, by John Mortimer, directed by Jan Nicholson.

Best production runner-up: Richmond Amateur Dramatic Society, North Yorkshire, for Two Women and a Chair, by Michael Olsen, directed by Jim Brown.

Best actor: Richie Parry, of Sedgefield Players.

Best actress: Kirsty Spencer, of Richmond Amateur Dramatic Society.

Best supporting actor: Adam Sanderson of York Rowntree Players.

Best supporting actress: Ann Bignall, of Saltburn '53, in east Cleveland, for Potato Salad.

Best costume: Speed Dating by York Rowntree Players. Most Effective set: Cliffe Theatre, of Eaglescliffe.

Audience award: Cliffe Theatre, of Eaglescliffe.

Best cameo: Jason Legender, of Sedgefield Players.

Best 30 seconds: Jean Hewling, of Sedgefield Players.

John Walker Trophy for technical presentation: Sedgefield Players Youth Section for Singing in the Wilderness. Peter Young award for youth: Sedgefield Players Youth Section for Singing in the Wilderness.

Best performer under 21: Dean Heslop, of Saltburn '53 Drama Group Youth Section for Cup Final.

The Ray Tate Award for Endeavour: Statement Drama Company for Wildwood Park.

The Adjudicators award: Henna Night, by Allerton Players, North Yorkshire.

* Colin Dolley, of the Guild of Drama Adjudicators, making his fifth visit to the Festival of One Act Plays, added his voice to those defending the parish hall, which is threatened with closure.

A planning application has been submitted for a building adjoining Sedgefield Community Association's Ceddesfeld Hall.

The players are against the development, saying it would be inadequate for the needs of the village.

Norma Neal, chairman of the players and festival secretary, said "Sedgefield has a festival, a drama group and a parish hall to be proud of. We will not be giving in without a fight."