POLICE investigating reports of a peeping tom spying on a woman sunbather discovered that the woman was dead.

Neighbours became concerned about Lorraine Ali, 45, after they saw a man watching her through the garden fence as she appeared to sunbathe at her home in Arkley Crescent, Hartlepool, in June.

As a result, a neighbour called police, who discovered that Mrs Ali was dead.

An investigation was carried out, but police have been unable to trace the man spying on Mrs Ali through the fence. An inquest in Hartlepool yesterday heard that a genetic heart defect may have killed her.

Close family of Mrs Ali were advised to undergo medical screening to see if they had any heart abnormalities after doctors were unable to say why she died.

A post-mortem examination carried out by a forensic pathologist found no injuries or diseases.

However, there was a high level of alcohol in her system, which was sufficient to cause a stupor or coma, but not sufficient to cause death in someone as accustomed to drinking as Mrs Ali was, the report said.

Doctors said her death could have been caused by an unknown abnormality of the heart, which can affect a small amount of people.

Coroner Malcolm Donnelly recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.