DETECTIVES hunting two thugs who burst into a 65-year-old grandmother's home and carried out a degrading sex attack last night warned women: "Keep your doors locked."

The rape of the widow from Marton, Middlesbrough, was so shocking that a senior detective admitted: "Short of murder, this is the worst attack I have dealt with in 26 years of police service."

Last night, detectives were leaving no stone unturned in their hunt - and even called on the criminal underworld to help them bring the brutes to justice.

Police were following a number of leads including scanning closed-circuit television (CCTV) film recovered from the surrounding area and sending fingerprints found at the scene to criminal record laboratories.

Other DNA samples were sent to the Home Office laboratories at Wetherby, North Yorkshire, with a police escort.

Last night, it emerged that a blue hooded top was found discarded in a nearby hedgerow - not the sort of item of clothing one would expect to find in the Middlesbrough suburb.

Hardened detectives were shocked by the savagery of the attack.

The woman was threatened, beaten and raped. The raiders then ransacked her house, stealing cash and credit cards.

Police revealed that the "most degrading and humiliating" assault may have lasted several hours.

Acting Detective Inspector Paul Richardson, who is leading the investigation, said: "Short of a murder, this is the worst attack I have ever dealt with in 26 years of police service. I will absolutely speak to anyone in confidence."

The widow, who lived on her own, managed to drag herself to a phone, making a 999 call to the Cleveland Police control room at 11.35pm on Thursday.

As the pensioner was being treated for severe facial injuries and trauma at Middlesbrough's James Cook University Hospital, detectives revealed they wanted to speak to witnesses who saw anyone in the area from about 6pm on Thursday.

Mr Richardson said: "She has been badly beaten and raped. I am not sure she was raped by both men, but the attack has gone on for some considerable time."

The pensioner, who has difficulty seeing in one eye and is hard of hearing, had been watching television alone when she was attacked at her home in The Grove.

A piece of black plastic sheeting could be seen fastened over a broken side window at the property yesterday.

Police said they did not know whether the attackers entered or made their exit through the window.

Last night it emerged that the victim had sustained "some very serious injuries".

Mr Richardson said: "This an absolutely unusual, rare attack. I would ask people to be vigilant and ensure premises are secure and doors are not left open.

"I am confident we will find who was responsible for this crime. She has some severe facial injuries. She was beaten with bodily force as far I can tell.''

He added: "I am confident that we will find out who is responsible for this attack sooner rather than later.

"This lady has been left very traumatised. We are relying on forensic evidence and we have also initiated door to door inquiries.

"We are also looking at CCTV film from local licensed premises and a garage.''

And Mr Richardson appealed: "I'm sure those in the criminal fraternity will be sickened by this as we are.

"If anyone from the criminal fraternity wants to speak to me personally they can contact the incident room and ask for me.

"It's crucially important that we catch these people.

"Everybody will be appalled and I would ask anybody who has any information to contact the incident desk on (01642) 303189."

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