HUNDREDS of people have asked council bosses to consider improving the roads and pavements in their neighbourhood.

Darlington Borough Council is planning to spend £2.5m, on top of its usual road maintenance budget, to improve minor problems on roads and pavements.

A questionnaire was sent out at the start of August to every home in the borough, asking people to say where improvements could be made.

Residents had until yesterday to return their questionnaire and 850 have sent in their suggestions, while another 50 have filled in the form online.

The council's highways department is now looking at suggestions, before deciding which areas will receive funding.

It is hoped work will start by the end of the year and continue into 2007.

Although the closing date has passed, officials said suggestions for work would still be accepted either through the post or online.

To get a copy of the questionnaire, call (01325) 388799.