A YOUNG mother accused of killing her baby in a house fire appeared in court yesterday.

Danielle Wails, 21, is charged with murdering four-month-old Alexander Gallon, who died in a fire at their home in Links Road, in the Cowgate area of Newcastle.

The public gallery was packed for Miss Wails' appearance before Newcastle magistrates.

Among family and friends in the court was the baby's father, Robert Gallon.

Those present were warned to be silent before the defendant appeared in the dock.

Miss Wails did not formally enter a plea at the hearing, which lasted 25 minutes.

Chairwoman of the bench Susan Sinton refused her application for bail and remanded her in custody.

The case will go before Newcastle Crown Court on September 13, where Miss Wails may appear via a video link.

The defendant wore a blue and white sweatshirt and grey jogging pants.

As she was led away from the dock, she mouthed to the baby's father: "I didn't do it."

Miss Wails told police she had been beaten unconscious by two masked men, who then started a fire in the full knowledge baby Alexander was asleep on a settee.

She said she was tied up and managed to summon help by dialling 999 on her mobile phone with her tongue.

Police said they had closed-circuit television pictures that showed two men close to the scene at the time of the fire.

But three days after the blaze, which happened last Sunday, Miss Wails was charged with the murder.