ORGANISERS of an awards scheme that recognises the achievements of young people in the Darlington area have extended the deadline for entries.

The annual Vibe Awards celebrate the academic excellence and courage of local young people aged eight to 19.

The awards are run by Darlington Borough Council's youth service and supported by The Northern Echo, Darlington Partnership and Alpha Radio.

Members of the public are asked to nominate young people who have achieved success in a variety of categories.

The organisers have received so many nominations this year that they have extended the deadline to Friday.

Chris McEwan, the council's cabinet member for children's services, said: "These awards give everyone in the borough the chance to celebrate the good things young people do.

"Young people often get a negative press, but while the minority are causing problems, many young people are quietly working away and making a real difference. These awards are for them."

The categories are contribution to the community, against all odds, outstanding achievement in sport, outstanding achievement in art, outstanding achievement in music/drama and youth enterprise.

All the categories have two awards - one for eight to 12 years and one for 13 to 19 years. Youth enterprise has one award for youngsters eight to 19 years.

Forms should be sent to Vikki Newman, Darlington Youth Service, Darlington Town Hall.

They can also be downloaded from the website,

The awards ceremony will be at Darlington Civic Theatre on October 3.