A MAN died suddenly from a fall when he was out walking his dogs, a court was told.

The inquest into the death of John Bell, of Lister Terrace, Wolsingham, was held yesterday.

The court heard, the 62-year-old was walking his two dogs in the village when he fell, hitting his head on the ground.

A post-mortem examination confirmed he died from a traumatic head injury on June 15.

Coroner Andrew Tweddle said how Mr Bell fell would remain a mystery, but a police inquiry ruled out any suspicious circumstances or third party involvement.

Mr Bell worked as a mortuary technician for Bishop Auckland General Hospital.

PC Dennis Canney, who worked on the police inquiry, told the court: "I had known John for 20 years and had worked with him. I'd only seen him earlier that day and he seemed well. He told me he was going to take his daughter to the airport that night.

"John once told me he had problems with his knee and he sometimes wore a support bandage. Earlier in the year, he had also worn a heart monitor as he sometimes had funny turns.

"We don't know what caused the fall, but we have ruled out anything sinister."

Mr Tweddle said: "It is clear Mr Bell fell, but how this occurred will remain a mystery. It's possible he had a 'funny turn' and this may have caused him a problem. However, it is also possible his knee may have given-way and this is how he fell."

A verdict of accidental death was recorded.