YOUNG people are hoping to forge deeper links with Colombian performers whose triumph over adversity is having an impact around the globe.

Members of Colegio Del Cuerpo survived the civil war in Colombia to develop their own brand of dance based on touch and soul.

The former street children and victims of violence last month spent ten days in North Yorkshire, staging a host of powerful workshops and performances.

Now the county council's education service's youth arm, Connecting Youth Culture (CYC), hopes to work with the company again in October when it returns to London.

And officials are hoping to organise an exchange visit next year, taking young people to Colombia to work with the company on its own soil before inviting it back to North Yorkshire for 2007.

They also plan to produce a video of the company working with local young people, which is to be used in North Yorkshire youth work.

Colombia's leading contemporary dancer and choreograbig impact on those involved.

The county's executive member for children's services, Councillor Caroline Patmore, said: "Colegio Del Cuerpo has reawakened something in us all, the value of human contact.

"The power of their performances has been astounding and I don't think anyone who saw them at work was not deeply moved.

"I'm looking forward to developing even closer links and believe we can all learn a great deal more."

CYC youth arts manager Paula Taylor added: "The power of their work moved many of us to tears. We even had some young people tell us the impact on them had been amazing, making them feel much better than the effects of drink and drugs."