RESIDENTS have called for answers over why a popular park has still not been fitted with a security camera.

The Village Park Residents' Association, in Thornaby, said if a camera had been fitted in April when it should have been, police would have been able to trace the boy who shot five-year-old Laura Richardson with a BB gun.

The youngster, believed to be aged between six and eight, fired at Laura as she played in the park.

The association was behind the £100,000 refurbishment of the park, which reopened in June.

However, as part of the agreement over funding from Stockton Borough Council and grants, it was told the play area and bowling green had to be each be safeguarded with a security camera.

The association's Roger Mosley said, as a result, the residents raised £9,000 towards the £14,000 cost of the cameras earlier this year and were told by the council that it would be sorted in spring.

But months later, they are still waiting.

"The camera was supposed to be fitted a long time ago," said Mr Mosley.

"It's been a disgraceful lapse on the part of the parks department. The council was the one who said the cameras had to be fitted, but here we are, still without them.

"We are extremely disappointed. A camera would have picked this incident up last week. This incident goes to show that the park needs a camera."

A spokesman for the council said there had been some delays with the camera because the authority had decided to install a top of the range model, instead.

"We are looking to have the camera fitted within the next seven days," he said.

"We have brought the residents' group up to speed with these delays in the last few weeks and we have asked community wardens to step up their patrols."