MEMO to North-East holidaymakers - Big Brother is watching you.

In fact, sunseekers who misbehave on their trip abroad with a local coach company could be up for immediate eviction.

The get-tough policy has been introduced by Middlesbrough travel company Siesta.

Over the years, the company has come down hard on unruly customers and is determined not to carry holidaymakers from hell.

The latest measure, at the Sanguli Holiday Village, in Salou, on Spain's Costa Dorada, means that troublemakers will be immediately sent packing.

The company said the holiday village - which has visitors from all over Europe - has a strict client conduct policy, which it endorses.

"Any contravention of this, including non-compliance with noise/silence restrictions after midnight, unacceptable behaviour, abusive or aggressive language or acts, excess alcohol or failure to control any children or teens for whom they are completely responsible, will result in immediate eviction through breach of contract," said a spokesman.

In the event of the contract being terminated, their alternative transport or accommodation becomes their own responsibility.

This is not the first time Siesta has clamped down on unruly customers.

Three years ago, it decided it had had enough of Victor Meldrew types constantly complaining. The company promised to weed out "professional moaners and freeloaders" who make everyone else's holiday a misery.

At the time, it said: "We will not entertain people who are unreasonable or unfair. The worst times of the year are the beginning and the end of the season when holiday prices drop."

In a letter to clients, the company said: "Reports suggest that on every coach there are inevitably one or two who seem determined not to enjoy their holiday.

"This may be human nature, but such people are impossible to spot prior to their actual holiday and therefore, sometimes we are stuck with them."

In a later measure, the company said it would name and shame bad clients and pass on their names and addresses to associate companies. Siesta specialises in camping, self-catering and hotel holidays.