PAVAROTTI wannabes managed by opera star Suzannah Clarke will be smartly turned out thanks to a community grant.

The West Redcar Single Regeneration Budget's Community Chest has given £1,000 to the newly-formed Corus Heavy Metal Opera, a group of Corus steel workers.

The cash has helped dress most of the group with dashing evening attire.

International star Suzannah said: "Wearing beautiful costumes when they are singing not only makes the men look wonderful, but it gives them enormous confidence and pride. It tells the world that we are something special - so watch out Pavarotti, here we come."

Community Chest chairman Peter Sotheran said: "The men are an excellent example of how the Community Chest helps groups that otherwise would have difficulty getting started.

"Our funding actually runs out next March and we anticipate all the remaining funds will have been distributed by early autumn."

Latest grants include the Festival of Football at Dormanstown, Redcar, on August 3, 4 and 5. Organisers Dormanstown Community Forum were given £1,000. Sportsability Club, based at Redcar Leisure Centre on Saturday mornings, received £523 to pay a carer for 84 hours, giving one-to-one care.

Also, the 11th annual International Women's Day on Saturday, October 15, at Redcar Bowl, was handed £1,000 to help with event organisation.

Community Chest grants of up to £1,000 are available to groups across the West Redcar area. Contact council community grant development officer, Michelle Kirkbright, on (01642) 776918.