THE deaths of popular teenage friends Stuart Adams and Lee Mullis on a North-East railway line earlier this year have led to a campaign which we hope will have a number of positive outcomes.

With the welcome support of the boys' families, The Northern Echo has set out to use the tragedy to inspire change.

We want other youngsters to be shocked into understanding the dangers of playing near railway lines.

We want community leaders to unite behind efforts to improve youth facilities, services and activities.

And we want to highlight the menace of underage drinking which was always likely to have played a part in the accident in Darlington last Easter.

Confirmation at yesterday's inquest that Stuart and Lee were under the influence of alcohol was the realisation of their families' worst fears. But it remains unknown how two intelligent boys came to have access to so much alcohol that their judgement was fatally impaired.

Shopowners, the police, teachers and council officials have to work together to tackle a damaging culture of binge drinking among young people.

In leading calls for action to avoid another tragedy, Stuart's father Trevor accepts that change will not happen overnight and, of course, he is right.

But we urge all those who are in positions of influence to do all they can to help find a positive way forward from this terrible, heartbreaking tragedy.