A PLAN to build 88 homes in Derwentside is expected to be approved on Thursday.

Haslam Homes wants to develop land at Whitehouse Farm, in Whitehouse Avenue, Burnhope.

It already has outline planning permission and is expected to get the full approval of Derwentside District Council's development control committee.

Burnhope Parish Council is backing the proposal to attract some investment to the village.

Council clerk Peter Hughes said: "We are in support of the scheme because we want to regenerate Burnhope.

"It has suffered a lack of regeneration since the closure of the pit many years ago."

Derwentside District Council has received a letter of objection from a Burnhope resident, who feels the development would jeopardise road safety. It is also argued that the proposed public walkway would be insufficient.

The protestor feels the buildings would overlook the family's property causing a "severe intrusion".

But planning officer Craig Stockley has written a report, advising the planning committee to pass the scheme.

He said: "A new footpath is proposed adjacent to the main estate road.

"The pedestrian route on to Whitehouse Avenue would be no shorter via the existing walkway than the new footpath and it is therefore unlikely the proposals would intensify the use of the existing walkway.

"The current scheme would not result in a dwelling directly overlooking the objector's property and the proposed dwellings are sited in accordance with the council's privacy guidelines."