A ONE man success story is taking his business venture to the very top.

David Stone was forced to sell his car 18-months ago to start up his own business, and after a successful first year in operation he is now reaching dizzy new heights.

North-East company Stones Steeplejacks boasts national and international customers and it is all a dream come true for the 37-year-old from Darlington.

"When I started out I literally had nothing," he said. "I knew from my 18 years in the trade, including time spent as a steeplejack supervisor, however, that there was a market for my services, and I was convinced that I could turn my dream into a viable business option."

Local companies from Seal Sands and the Tees Valley through to organisations from the Humber Bridge, Holland and Germany, have all taken advantage of Darlington's answer to Fred Dibnah.

"The work of a steeplejack has been somewhat shrouded in mystery and intrigue for many years," said David.

"Thanks to people like Fred Dibnah, and television documentaries, it is now a much more high profile business."

David received help getting started from both Darlington Business Venture and Tees Valley TEC through their Start Right in Business Service.

He said: "I found the Start Right in business service very useful, particularly the advice in relation to book-keeping, business planning and sourcing suppliers.

"The most important thing for me now is not to rest on my laurels, but to continue to provide a first class service for my existing customers, whilst building up new contacts both at home and abroad.