PUPILS are being given the chance to become detectives, at a forensic workshop.

Children from schools throughout Teesside are attending the workshop at the University of Teesside, as part of a Chemistry at Work project.

Experiments have been set up to make science fun, and the most popular is a crime scene.

A university spokesman said: "A room has been turned into a crime scene and the youngsters get involved with the forensic investigation.

"They are doing things like finger-printing and making casts of footprints to try to identify the criminal.

"They have to put all the evidence together, just like a real investigation. It is definitely the most popular thing here."

About 500 children from 11 primary schools have taken over the university for a fortnight as part of a drive to encourage youngsters to further their education.

Two mini graduation ceremonies will be held for those who have taken part in a variety of events