YOUNG footballers from Consett YMCA have arranged a practice match in preparation for a fixture with a team of youngsters from Glasgow.

The youngsters are due to play a team from Glasgow's Bells Hill estate on August 5, so they've arranged a warm-up match against a YMCA side from Sunderland to help get them into shape. Players from the YMCA's detached group in Leadgate will take on a team from Herriton Burn YMCA on July 12.

Consett YMCA co-ordinator Billy Robson said: "Meeting and playing against youngsters from Glasgow can be a real eye-opener for young people from Consett. We played a Glaswegian team last year and it proved to be a real success. Youngsters there have the same problems, in fact in many ways they have it worse.

"The aim is to help youngsters who are disaffected develop a sense of purpose."

The game with the team from Glasgow will take place at Leadgate's Ponts pitch.