YOUNG Durham first-aiders narrowly missed out on glory in the national finals of a quiz last weekend.

The five girls from Belmont St John Ambulance division battled through to the final heat only to be beaten by Devon.

The team, Sarah Shotten, 16, Samantha Diggory, 16, Heather Nixon, 15, Jasminder Jandoo, 13, and Sarah Hodgson, 12, competed against teams from ten other regions.

They won through to the finals of the St John Ambulance-organised quiz, covering first aid topics, at local and regional heats.

Divisional Superintendent Claire Convery said: "The work they did paid off and they were pleased to get there. We are pleased and it would be nice if they could do it again next year."

The team scored 41 out of a potential 80 while their West Country rivals notched up 50 marks. The girls received a shield and certificates for their efforts.