A 14-year-old boy is set to become Britain's youngest ever racing driver.

Andrew Gray's record-breaking drive in the British Racing and Sports Car Club's T-Cars event will see him compete at the ripe old age of 14 years and 11 days old.

While most teenagers his age can only dream of passing their driving test, Andrew will be tearing around a track in his souped-up machine at 100mph. As boyhood dreams go that's not bad, but for Andrew it gets even better. The dyed-in-the-wool Newcastle United fan is also being sponsored by his beloved club.

Andrew, of Cornmoor, Chester-le-Street, can't wait to get on the grid at the Croft racetrack in North Yorkshire this Saturday.

He said: "It's a dream come true for me. I've wanted to be a racing driver for as long as I can remember."

The Park View Comprehensive pupil was given special dispensation to sit the Association of Racing School test last month and passed with flying colours.

Andrew's mum, Sheila, said despite safety measures she will still be nervous when he gets behind the wheel.

"The first time I saw him karting I was really nervous - I still am. But when I saw how much it means to him, and how much confidence he gets from it, I let him get on with it."