YOUNGSTERS from Denmark have been visiting east Cleveland to perform a series of concerts.

Members of the 50-strong band swapped their home town of Thisted for Marske and New Marske, staying with people connected to St Thomas Church and Marske Methodist Church.

The youngsters are all members of the FDF Denmark, which is the equivalent of the Boys and Girls Brigades in the UK.

They played first at Errington Primary School, Marske, where the good behaviour of the youngsters and their appreciation of music was remarked on.

They then performed at the Cheshire Home in Marske, as part of Marske Town Centre Partnership's efforts to raise money for Christmas lights, as well as playing at an ecumenical service in St Thomas Church.

The band also gave a performance at Saltburn bandstand, which drew a large and appreciative audience and was held in glorious sunshine, with a final rousing concert at New Marske Institute.

Robert Bownbridge, captain of the 25th Teesside Boys Brigade, presented the band with a painting of Whitby, where they had visited.

He said that many friendships had been formed in the two communities thanks to the visit.