A BIG top extravaganza is to set alight Stockton as part of the International Riverside Festival.

The Parada site at Stockton is "a festival within a festival". This tented village at Trinity Gardens will be decorated by visual art, including the eight-metre high Hand of Glass, which glows and radiates beams into the night sky.

The first show to open at Stockton is Dark Horse's Dive Urgence, from Friday, for three days. This comic look at life in the new millennium is performed by leading UK circus training school Circomedia and features aerial skills.

From Monday, the young members of Circus of a 1000 Faces arrive for their only UK performances. Aged nine to 19, they bring together different skills from three continents.

Finally, French company Maboul Distorsion will combine circus skills with imagination and daring with their show Traboule, from Tuesday