A PUB chain's plan to expand into Chester-le-Street has run into objections from residents and police.

JD Weatherspoons, a Watford-based firm, wants to build a £1m pub on the site of a derelict car showroom.

It is hoped that the pub, backed by Chester-le-Street District Council, will lead to the redevelopment of the southern end of Front Street.

But residents and police have objected to the council's planning department because they fear another large pub in the town would lead to an increase in loutish behaviour, noise and violence.

Residents in nearby Union Court, many of whom are elderly, have handed a letter of objection and a 40-signature petition to the council.

In it they say: "Customers of licensed premises already have plenty of choice with all the pubs and clubs in Chester-le-Street. We should have our peace protected and we are entitled to our right to a quiet night in our own homes.

"The council need to protect all residents from increased disorder, disturbance and drunkenness caused by the cheap drinks this proposed pub will sell."

County Durham Police have backed the residents' complaints.

A spokeswoman said they objected because "it would potentially increase the risk of crime and disorder in the town".

JD Weatherspoon said the pub would cost between £900,000 and £1m and create about 25 full and part-time jobs.

The chain prides itself on friendly, old-fashioned pubs where food is available all day and drinkers are not disturbed by TVs, music or karaoke machines.

Prices are traditionally kept low by the chain and smoking is generally banned from the bar area.

Tom Watson, the council's planning services manager, said the planning committee would recommend the plans for approval at the next meeting on September 4.

He said: "People tend to assume that everybody who goes to a new pub will be drunk and causing trouble. This is clearly wrong.

"We feel the pub will enhance that area of the town considerably. The southern end of Front Street needs this kind of redevelopment."