SHOPPERS at Darlington's Asda store can now call on their local councillor while picking up their groceries.

The store has teamed up with councillors from the Haughton ward to offer surgeries in an experiment believed to be the first of its kind.

The aim is to make the surgeries more accessible for residents who might want to speak councillors but simply not have the time.

Haughton West councillor Nick Wallis said: "Sometimes councillors' surgeries can be fruitless affairs with perhaps only one or two people coming along to a church hall or community centre on a Friday evening. Having surgeries in a supermarket allows busy people to combine their shopping trip with a chance to raise issues with their local councillor."

Seane Wilkinson, manager of Asda in Whinfield, said: "This is an exciting opportunity helping ASDA to meet the needs of the local community."

Councillors from the Haughton West and East wards will be at ASDA for the first surgery on Saturday between 10am and 11.30am.

They will be seated in the foyer area, but a partition will be in use where people can discuss private matters if they wish. Surgeries are planned for the first Saturday of the next three months, and could become a regular feature.