SCIENCE lessons have been given a shot in the arm with news of a major cash injection over the next two years.

North Yorkshire County Council has been given £330,000 to spend on upgrading science laboratories this year, with a similar amount earmarked for the following year.

The cash, under the Government's New Deal for Schools scheme, comes on top of money already spent by the education authority on science labs each year.

Head teachers across the county are now being asked to put forward proposals for spending the money in their schools, with final decisions taken by September.

Richard Allen, capital planning manager for the local education authority, said the cash would lead to a significant improvement in science facilities in the county's schools.

He said work in the first year was expected to concentrate on refurbishing existing laboratories, which costs £40-50,000 a time.

And in the second year schemes could be brought forward to build new labs, costing about £100,000 each.

He said: "It is a very welcome resource and it will enable us to do a good deal of work for schools, although it will not solve all our difficulties."