A MAN was accused yesterday of setting fire to an outhouse at his former girlfriend's home.

The fire brigade was called to put out the blaze at the house in Hemlington, Middlesbrough, in May last year.

A jury at Teesside Crown Court was told fire officers came to the conclusion that smoke from the fire represented a risk to the occupants of the house.

Yesterday, Paul Smith , 34, of Boscombe Gardens, Middlesbrough, appeared before the court charged with arson being reckless as to whether life would be endangered. He has denied the charge.

Jo Kidd, prosecuting, said Mr Smith had a relationship with the woman who lived in the house. On the day of the fire, he had returned to the house to collect property and had spent some time in the outhouse.

After he left, his former girlfriend smelled smoke. She called the emergency services while a neighbour tried to put out the fire, said Miss Kidd.

When Mr Smith was arrested he denied being responsible for any fire in the outbuilding.

The case continues.