A LUMP of concrete from the eyesore car park made famous in the Michael Caine classic movie Get Carter is to be sent to the star as a memento.

Town planners in Gateshead are preparing to knock down the multi-storey car park from which Sir Michael memorably threw a bent businessman to his death in the 1971 film.

Despite protests from fans of the cult movie, Gateshead Borough Council has vowed to bulldoze the eyesore.

But now it is offering an olive branch by pledging to send Sir Michael a lump of concrete from the building's remains and even inviting him to join in the demolition itself.

A spokesman said: "The Get Carter Appreciation Society have made no secret of not wanting it to go, but local people do because it's an eyesore.

"But the site has become a part of modern film folklore, so we will be inviting Michael Caine along to take part in the demolition in some way, and we will be sending bits of concrete as souvenirs to some of those involved in the movie.

"Obviously, this will include Sir Michael and the director, but we are also thinking of sending some more out to people like the producer and sound recordist."

In Get Carter, Sir Michael, 67, played a vengeful London gangster who went to the North-East in pursuit of his brother's killers.

The film, seen by many film buffs as one of the best British movies of the Seventies, was re-released earlier this year and Hollywood is currently making a new version with Sylvester Stallone in the title role.

The car park, which was renamed Carter Car Park some time ago, has become a favourite haunt of its appreciation society and is listed in many movie location guide books.

The Gateshead Council spokesman said outline planning permission for the demolition and the building of a town centre shopping complex had already been given