MOBILE phone giant Orange has fired about 40 workers following an investigation into obscene and sickening material being downloaded at its North-East call centres, The Northern Echo can reveal.

The material, in the form of Internet pictures and e-mail messages, was discovered by bosses on the company's computer systems.

It included pictures of an x-ray of a penis and an accident victim with horrific head injuries.

It is understood that the staff dismissed came from call centres in Darlington, Peterlee and North Shields.

Further dismissals could follow with disciplinary hearings due to be held today.

One sacked member of staff, who had worked in a supervisory position with Orange for nine years, said she was now considering legal advice.

She said: "Someone sent me an e-mail with a cartoon picture of a man's genitals which I forwarded on to a colleague.

"I made a simple mistake which was intended as a bit of fun. Their decision to instantly dismiss me was very harsh when I have worked for them for such a long time.

"They are making an example of people when a severe warning might have been more appropriate.

"I am now seeking legal advice for unfair dismissal."

Another member of staff said that those who lost their jobs had never had disciplinary problems before. The woman, who did not want to be named, also claimed that lower-ranking staff had been targeted.

She said: "They were told they were being sacked for misuse of the Internet."

Orange, which employs more than 4,000 people in the North-East, including 2,000 in Darlington, confirmed that disciplinary action had been taken against a number of staff.

The company, set up in 1994, has established itself as one of the big four mobile phone company operators in the UK.

It continues to expand its operation, and Health Secretary Alan Milburn opened a new business customer centre in Darlington in June this year.

Its media relations executive, Sarah Taylor, said: "Employees have been dismissed in accordance with company disciplinary procedures as a result of an investigation into the circulation of inappropriate material on computer systems.

"Orange policy states that the circulation or exchange of messages or pictures that are offensive, obscene, threatening or cause harassment are strictly prohibited.

"All employees are advised that failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal."

Police have powers in such cases to bring prosecutions related to the possession and distribution of indecent material.

However it is understood that no complaint has yet been lodged with County Durham Police