LIGHTNING literally struck twice at the home of a former North-East fireman during the dramatic storms that struck the region on Monday.

Kevin Roberts was sitting at home in Ferryhill, County Durham, with his wife, Janice, and four-year-old son, Jonathan, when their ordeal began at about 9.30pm.

"I was just sitting in my chair when the storm got really bad and there was this loud explosion," said Mr Roberts, who lives in Mainsforth Road.

"There was this big ball of flame and sparks appeared in the living room - the mobile phone charger had just blown up."

He said: "I was just getting over the shock and had just settled down when we got another one at the front of the house that blew the telephone line down and melted all the telephone boxes in the house.

"The heat was that intense that the wire under the carpet actually burned it."

The lightning strikes have damaged large parts of the house. Sockets have been melted or blown off the wall, carpets have been burned and the surge left the fuse box badly damaged.

The television and video have been damaged beyond repair and the family is without much of its electricity supply.

Mr Roberts said young Jonathan was "petrified", although he cheered up when the fire brigade arrived.

Now he is waiting for the electricity board to assess the damage and get him fully connected again.

Despite the ordeal, Mr Roberts says it could have been much worse.

"In fact I think I'll put money on the Lottery tomorrow because having lightning hit your house twice must be a million to one chance."

Stormy Monday - Page 3