INCREDIBLY, there are still some members of North Yorkshire County Council who think it is a good idea not publish how much money they claim from the public purse to do their duties.

Despite moves towards greater openness by many local authorities, despite heavy hints from central government and despite the difficulties one of their former colleagues got into over the matter of expenses, some still believe it is in democracy's best interests to keep these amounts from the public gaze. What they really think is that it is in their their best interests.

Spectator is aware of this because a report (a public document no less) to be presented to Monday's meeting of the county council's standards committee says so.

It reveals the fact that "representations have been made" from unnamed councillors who reckon the electorate is so dumb it will not understand that a council member who chairs a major committee and represents a Scarborough ward is going to have bigger expense bill than a "back bencher" who represents a ward in Northallerton.

It so reassuring to know some of our elected members have such a high opinion of their constituents that they cannot trust them with information.

Thankfully, the panel's report has turned its back on secrecy and "in the interests of transparency" strongly favours publication of expenses payments.

Let's hope common sense prevails among members of the committee on Monday and that they uphold high standards in local government.

Squirrel alert

ONE church mouse in Darlington had something larger to fear on Sunday than "other mice with pagan minds" sneaking in to steal his harvest festival bounty.

Grey squirrels have invaded St Cuthbert's church, Darlington, from their usual haunts in the churchyard. Luckily their designs on fruit and vegetables left at the foot of the altar for later distribution were spotted and the produce removed to the nearby church centre.

Removing the squirrels will not be such an easy task in a building full of squirrel-friendly hiding places. Perhaps their taste for religion will wane when Sunday brings no pickings at all.