TODDLER Joseph Gibson has enjoyed his first night's sleep after the waters of a French spring healed the skin condition that has blighted his life.

Three-year-old Joseph had never been able to sleep through the night because of the misery caused by a severe form of eczema.

His body was covered from head to toe in weeping sores, despite the attention of his parents, Tracey and Terry, of Wideopen, Newcastle.

They removed every possible source of dust from their home and swathed their son every day in steroid cream and bandages.

Tracey, 37, then heard of the mineral spa at Avene, in the South of France, where locals claim success in treating even the most serious skin disorders.

The Gibsons raised the cash and flew to Avene three weeks ago.

After only a week bathing in the waters, Joseph's skin began to heal as it never had before.

His parents were astonished to see the sores clear up and the youngster suddenly begin to smile and laugh all day.

But the most noticeable change came at night when they put Joseph to bed.

Tracey wept as she said: "The first night Joseph slept, Terry and myself just sat watching him.

"It was a truly wonderful moment. Joseph slept for so long that we actually had to wake him in the morning, which is unheard of.

"What happened at Avene is nothing short of a miracle and, for the time being at least, it has changed our lives."

The water has a high concentration of silicates, picked up on its journey through the mountains, which are thought to have an anti-inflammatory effect.