A MONEY box with a difference is tempting visitors to make donations at Harrogate's Royal Pump Room Museum, next to the Valley Gardens.

The striking glass model of the Royal Pump Room has been described by museum officials as a work of art in its own right.

The donation box has been funded by Friends of Harrogate Museums and created by Uredale Glass, Masham.

A spokesman for the museum said: "The panels are made from a new technique using coloured glass pebbles and glass twists melted together to create a sparkling and beautiful watery effect.

"The whole piece has been inspired by the architecture of the building - and also the famous waters that bubble beneath it."

The main purpose of the box is to encourage visitors to make contributions to the costs of acquiring new additions for the museum.

Recently, staff were able to purchase a beautiful Anglo-Saxon pinhead and clasp from the Spofforth area and a Medieval lovers' ring from Kirk Deighton.

"Without the support from our group of friends and the donations we would not be able to save these items for the area," said the spokesman.

Harrogate's Royal Pump Room is built over what is claimed to be the strongest sulphur spring in England