A POPULAR venue for young people in Darlington and the surrounding area is to reopen later this month.

The event at Wesley's will feature top Leeds DJ Lee Jackson and the Newcastle band Dependance.

Television cameras will cover the event for a documentary due to be screened in December. A maximum of 300 youngsterswill be admitted.

Wesley's closed in August so that the programmes which were on offer could be evaluated. Organisers decided they wanted to offer more than just a place for youngsters to dance.

They will now be introducing programmes and events which cater for a wide range of people with different personal needs.

The aim is to get young people off the streets and into a safe environment but also stimulate thoughts and actions in a positive way.

More information on Wesley's programmes and event can be found on the website at www.Wesleys.org.com or by calling on (01325) 267215