PEOPLE living in Sunderland who would like to become childminders can now get grant aid.

Sunderland's Early Learning Years Development and Childcare Partnership has funding available to help new childminders start up in business.

A £200 start-up grant is available to all childminders who become newly registered by February 14, 2001.

A £150 cash incentive is available to new childminders living in areas where there is a shortage of carers.

A £100 cash incentive is also available for minders who extend provision to include children with special needs.

Sunderland's childcare plan manager Kate Hinchcliffe said: "Childcare is such an important issue affecting both parents and children, and there is a need for more providers in the Sunderland area, specially those trained to support children with special needs."

For more information, contact 0191-533 5678