A FIRE brigade is urging parents to take care to avoid a repeat of an accident in which a child was badly burned.

Michael McCorry sustained secondary and superficial burns over his entire body in an explosion in a garden shed, involving a tin of thinners.

Another youngster, eight-year-old Christopher Corley, received flash burns to his face while his brother, David, 12, also received hospital treatment following the incident in Stockdale Avenue, Dormanstown, Redcar, last week.

A spokeswoman for Middlesbrough General Hospital yesterday said that 12-year-old Michael was now out of intensive care and on a ward where his condition is comfortable.

Cleveland Fire Brigade is warning adults of the dangers of leaving flammable liquids in places accessible to children.

Assistant Divisional Officer Keith Reid said: "Children have a heightened fascination with fire at this time of year due to the increased availability of fireworks.

"While many people are aware of the dangers of chemicals such as bleach in the hands of youngsters we urge them to be equally conscious of where they store flammable liquids and to be vigilant to the whereabouts and activities of their children."

The brigade is urging adults to check information labels on purchases, and to put flammable liquids out of reach of children - preferably under lock and key - and sealed in their original containers.

Mixing substances can be dangerous leading to chemical reaction.

The brigade also warns that garages and outbuildings where the substances are stored are not suitable places for children to play.