A KNIFE slash across a man's throat missed vital organs by millimetres, a court was told.

His assailant then kicked him about the head and body before folding up the knife and walking away, a jury at Teesside Crown Court heard.

Yesterday, Michael Jones, 41, of Gawdy Road, Norwich, denied the attempted murder of 35-year-old John Atkinson. He also denied an alternative charge of causing grievous bodily harm.

Mr Jones is the partner of Mr Atkinson's sister and, in May last year, they travelled to Thornaby to stay with her family.

Tim Bubb, prosecuting, said that, on the evening of the alleged attack, there was a telephone call from Mr Jones' partner which led him to believe Mr Atkinson had struck her.

He is alleged to have head-butted Mr Atkinson in the face and, when Mr Atkinson's mother tried to stop the assault, to have knocked her out.

Mr Bubb said that, as Mr Atkinson knelt down by his mother, Mr Jones pulled his head up by his hair and slashed him across the throat.

Mr Bubb said: "Mr Atkinson was very lucky. Although the knife cut deeply into the tissue it didn't in fact by a millimetre or so hit any of the vital organs."

Mr Jones told police that he was not the aggressor but that Mr Atkinson had taken a knife and attacked him.

The case continues