A CELEBRATION of different cultures is being held as part of an exhibition highlighting the effects of racism and intolerance.

Anne Frank, A History for Today, opened in Durham Cathedral last weekend, telling the story of Nazi Germany's persecution and mass killing of Jews, through the diaries of Amsterdam schoolgirl Anne Frank.

To tie in with the exhibition, a Diversity Day, organised by Darlington and Durham County Racial Equality Council (REC), with support from the National Lotteries Awards For All programme and Durham City Arts, will be held in Durham Town Hall, on Sunday, at midday.

Highlights include Gambian kora players, calypso jazz from Trinidad and the Natyanjali dancers, many of them blind, from Bangalore in India.

Other attractions include displays of saris, Palestinian crafts and Chinese calligraphy, kite-making, origami and dragon-making.

Pat Poinen, chairman of the Racial Equality Council, said: "The Diversity Day is a very positive expression of the creative talents of multi-cultural Durham.

"I'd like to encourage everyone to come and join in the fun at the town hall.

"There'll be something for all ages, music, dancing, food and displays, plus a range of creative activities to try out."

"You can also find out more about the work of the REC in Durham and our plans for the future.''

Admission to the event, which runs until 4pm, is free and refreshments will be available