LOLLIPOP patrols in Redcar and Cleveland are switching on to a new safety jacket that lights up in adverse weather conditions.

The council's road safety officer, Mike Hall, has been given a set of 'Safelites' for the borough's school crossing patrol officers to road test.

The jackets have been handed out to the patrols after Colin Mason, chief executive of Aerosafe, based at Bristol Airport, heard Mr Hall talking on national radio about the council's campaign targeting lollipop rage motorists.

He thought the jackets, which were originally designed for the protection of aircraft marshallers, might be of help.

Mr Mason said: "The need was to give added visual protection to the aircraft marshallers, as in the dark and adverse weather, pilots had great difficulty finding them. We hope they can improve safety for your officers too."

Mr Hall added: "We are always on the look-out for innovative and safety conscious ideas to protect our staff, especially in the bad weather.