PUTTING together an exhibition of paintings depicting the Durham Miners' Gala was a labour of love for artist George Robson.

For almost three decades the talented painter helped organise the Big Meeting for pitmen and their families.

Commissioned by Easington District Council, George has created three large oil paintings capturing the historic event.

The paintings have gone on show, alongside some of his other work based on the gala in particular and the mining industry in general.

The Squint Exhibition will be on display at East Durham and Houghall Community College, at Burnhope Way, Peterlee, until Tuesday.

Most of the images are monochrome. Viewed from a distance, they are figurative, and from close up, abstract.

But from a middle distance, visitors are invited to close one eye and squint to determine the subject matter, and hence the name of the exhibition.

A recognised artist, George spent almost 30 years working for the National Union of Mineworkers at its headquarters in Red Hills, Durham City, with much of his time devoted to the organisation of the gala.

He is a pasionate supporter of the event and firmly believes it should continue, to illustrate to future generations the importance of mining in County Durham.

The exhibition is open from 9am to 9pm weekdays, and from 9am to noon on Saturdays. Admission is free.