RIVERS can deposit all sorts of surprises when they've been in full flood - but one North Yorkshire farmer is hoping someone, somewhere can help him trace the owners of an unusual piece of property which ended up on his land.

Brian Swinbank, of Myton-on-Swale, near Boroughbridge, is now the guardian of a park bench he didn't have before the floods.

However, he suspects the real owners would like it back, as it bears a plaque dedicating the sturdy piece of furniture to the memory of Brian and Joan Moody.

So far, no one seems to know where they may have lived.

Mr Swinbank's friend, Peter Bousfield, the chairman of the Myton Parish Meeting, said yesterday: "The bench may have come from the banks of the Swale or the Ure, as the confluence of the two rivers is just upstream from Brian's land.

"It's a well-made piece and has obviously been cared for. There is also mention on the plaque of the couple's children, Peter and Virginia, and we are hoping we may be able to trace them so we can return the bench to its rightful spot."

Members of the Moody family, or anyone able to shed some light on the mystery, can telephone (01423) 360314.