TWO NORTH-East teachers will be taking part in a major conference to tackle the issue of bullying in schools next week.

The conference, called The School's Response to Bullying, has been organised by children's charity the NSPCC to devise strategies to help children who are victims of bullying, and the bullies themselves.

Jill Young, headteacher of Woodhouse Close Infant and Nursery School, Bishop Auckland, and Lee Puchala, deputy headteacher at Dene Community School of Technology, Peterlee, will both be leading workshops at the conference on Monday.

They will talk about Durham Local Education Authority's Listening to Children Project, and the development of school strategies to tackle bullying, at the event, which will be held in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.

A keynote speaker will be Professor Peter Smith, head of the Unit for School and Family Studies at Goldsmith's College, London, and a member of the Education Department's working party on bullying.