SPORTS enthusiast Miss Charlotte Page is on top form after this week's awards ceremony at Teesside university.

The Guisborough graduate, who gained a first class BSc (Hons) in sports science, also won the Armstrong sports award for best final year dissertation.

She was among 2,000 graduates who gathered in Middlesbrough town hall to receive prizes and certificates from the vice-chancellor, Prof Derek Fraser.

Miss Page, aged 21, did extensive research in sports clubs across Cleveland, including youth football in her home town, youth rugby and swimming clubs.

She combined her study with three part-time jobs - working as a fitness instructor at the university and as a lifeguard and gym tutor in Guisborough.

She is a former pupil of Prior Pursglove college where she obtained three A-levels and is the first in her family to go to university.

"My parents have always encouraged me to succeed," she said. "When I found out I had a First I was really pleased."

Miss Page plans to go on to secondary school teaching.

The university organise ten separate ceremonies, and family members and friends swelled numbers of those enjoying the occasion to around 7,000.

Cleveland students figured prominently in the awards. A full degree round-up will appear next week.