THE St John Ambulance Bricks and Wheels appeal received a £500 boost this week with a donation from Barclays Bank North Yorkshire group.

The charity, which provides first aid training and cover at public events, aims to raise £840,000 to pay for nine new Crusader ambulances for the North Yorkshire and Teesside area and a new first aid training centre in Thirsk.

The cheque from Barclays has taken the appeal to £290,000, but the charity still needs fundraising help.

Mr Phil Bustard, appeal co-ordinater, said: "If you think your fundraising won't make a difference, think again. St John Ambulance needs all the help it can get.

"Whether you're a spectator, participant, event organiser or casualty, we're there when you need us, Now we need you."

He is looking for people or groups to organise eight coffee mornings in aid of the appeal, eight table top sales and eight sponsored events, to help boost the total.

Sports clubs and organisations are also being asked to give something back to the charity by supporting the appeal, after its volunteers have given-up many hours offering first aid cover at sporting events.

More than 700 schools in the county have been approached and asked for help, along with various businesses, and Mr Bustard would like to hear from any retailers willing to hold a fashion show in aid of the appeal.

Anyone who chairs a local fundraising group or who is able to give up time to fundraise should contact him on 01845 521919.