REGIONAL job creating agencies have failed in their bid to attract the Government's Meteorological Office to the North-East.

Exeter, in the South-West, has been selected as the preferred site from four shortlisted for the new Met Office headquarters, which is moving from Bracknell, Berkshire.

Development agency One NorthEast and professional services organisation Service Challenge spearheaded the region's bid, pinpointing potential sites at Darlington, Sunderland and Newcastle, and citing expertise at Durham University's mapping department.

The award of the Met Office contract brings with it 1,500 highly paid jobs, and attracted initial interest from up to 250 locations.

Jonathan Blackie, the director of strategy with One NorthEast, said the region's loss was Exeter's gain, but he said the disappointment was doubled because there were comparatively few Government research establishments located in the North-East.

The region's bid made play on the North-East's quality of life and successful track record in attracting high-tech companies.