COUNCILLORS have given their backing to plans to refurbish a children's play area.

The North Neighbourhood Forum of Hartlepool Borough Council has agreed to spend £1,900 from its minor works budget on repairing and replacing some of the play equipment, in King Oswy Drive - about half of the overall cost.

The remainder of the money will come from the council's community services department.

Anthony Scarre, the council's area manager (north) said: "This particular play area fulfils an important role in providing facilities for children from the surrounding area.

"The nearest alternative is at Clavering, which is about to be totally renewed, but that involves parents and their children crossing a busy road. For some residents, it is simply too far to travel by foot."

Refurbishment plans include repairing and replacing metal parts of the play unit, installing anti-wrap systems on the swings and placing two steel benches and two steel bins at the play area.

Mr Scarre said: "The equipment is quite old and has suffered from wear and tear and some vandalism. We hope this work will make people feel the play area is worth visiting."