RESIDENTS of an old folks' home got their teeth into a Christmas tree competition at the weekend.

They transformed their false teeth, walking sticks and even their knitting into bizarre Christmas decorations.

The craze for unusual decorations really caught on after Boroughbridge Community Care in North Yorkshire challenged townsfolk to decorate a tree in a contest for charity.

Among the 21 entries was one from the local soccer club, covered with football and trophy baubles.

But the winner at Saint James's Church was a tree decorated by Springfield Garth, entitled The Golden Years.

Old false teeth and hearing aids, slippers, knitting, pill bottles and blister packs, pipes and walking sticks - all sprayed with gold and glitter - were festooned in the branches.

"It's certainly been an eye-opener," said competition organiser, Keith Trott. "Just about everyone commented on it."

Visitors had to pay £1 to see the competition entries, which also had classes for Christmas tree fairies and angels. All money raised will go towards Boroughbridge Community Care.