A BID to clean up the streets - has won the backing of communities in east Cleveland.

A community warden scheme, which includes Normanby, near Redcar, from this week, has won positive feedback from residents.

As wardens Peter Pears and Stephen Sanderson started work at Normanby, it was revealed the introduction of fellow wardens across the district is instilling greater civic pride in some areas.

Few on-the-spot fines for litter dropping or dog fouling have been issued following their introduction.

Wardens are at work in Eston, Brotton, with Teesville's turn coming next month, and borough wide coverage in spring.

A spokesman for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council said: "People like the service. They can access the lads. We find the public are talking to them, chatting to them regularly and they are being well received.

"We are not community police but community helpers. If we can encourage people to take the same pride in their areas as there is in others, then it is all for the greater good.''