PUPILS in Darlington are being taught to respect their surroundings and treat them well.

Darlington Borough Council's Neighbourhood Wardens are visiting schools in the town and neighbouring villages in the coming weeks to press home the message.

They were at Mount Pleasant Primary School, in Darlington, on Monday, where the children were taught about many issues concerning the proper treatment and use of open spaces, such as parks, riverbeds and lakes.

A spokesman for the council said: "They were, and will be, talking to children about how to use these spaces responsibly and how to help take care of them, and themselves. They will hear about the dangers a lake can pose, but also about how to keep the countryside tidy and clean.

"The wardens also talk about sports fields, and how they can be used correctly, for example, not allowing dogs to foul them.

"They are looking at ways children can keep help the environment and the community they live in.

"It is about letting the children know how best to enjoy the facilities, but be respectful at the same time."

The wardens will also be visiting Sadberge, Alderman Leach, Middleton-St-George, St Augustine's, Bishopton Redmarshall and Harrowgate Hill primary schools before February 15.