THE papers have been full of stories about the political feuding involving Peter Mandelson. They claimed he was more interested in knocking spots off Gordon Brown than anything else. But the sources were always unattributed.

These sources, whether they were MPs or advisors, should stop being faceless. They should put their money where their mouths are.

There are a lot of political people out there who say a lot of things, but are not prepared to put their names to them. I think it's hypocritical and it's wrong. They should have the courage of their convictions, which would at least give Mr Mandelson the opportunity to counter their allegations.

Now we learn that Mr Mandelson has resigned over something which happened when he was Trade and Industry Secretary. If this had come out at the time of the home loan affair, it would have probably have paled into insignificance.

I think, under the circumstances, Mr Mandelson has done the right thing in resigning and acting quickly. But what the community of Hartlepool needs now is to know whether he is going to stand at the next election. I am no ally, nor am I an enemy, I'm merely an observer who wants the best for the people of Hartlepool.

He is as well qualified as any other potential candidate and is an experienced politician. From my information, he's done a decent job so far. He is talented and could do well in many walks of life.

I visit Hartlepool on a daily basis and noticed that, within hours of Mr Mandelson resigning, the snipers and opportunists were out demanding he should also resign his seat - politics is a dirty game.

I am sure Mr Mandelson doesn't need my advice but, if he asked, I would suggest he takes 48 hours away from the advisors and the spin doctors, perhaps take a long walk across the Cleveland Hills to clear his mind. He needs to concern himself, not with how the Press or his enemies will react, but with what he himself is happiest with.

If he is prepared to work hard as a back bench MP for the people of Hartlepool for the next five years, then it is right he should stand at the next election. But if he is merely using Hartlepool as a meal ticket while pursuing other ambitions, or intends to leave in two years, forcing a by- election, then he should think again.

The people of Hartlepool deserve better.

MAN is also inflicting his dirty habits on the environment. The Jessica remains on the rocks off the Galapagos Islands, leaking oil in an area which inspired Charles Darwin to develop his theory of evolution.

When you look at this and other environmental catastrophes, it reminds me that man has damaged the earth for hundreds of years. The abuse has been so great, you can almost see the planet bleed.

Our technology is fantastic and we have progressed more in the past 80 years than in the previous 1,000. But we should not forget that that progress has been at the expense of natural materials which belong to the earth. We are guests on this planet and are not here for ever.

Environmental catastrophes are becoming so common they barely get the Press they deserve. We look back at the 1940s and condemn the Third Reich. We look back at the 1960s and 1970s and criticise the architects for knocking down the historic buildings and replacing them with eyesores.

I wonder what society will say in 50 years time when it looks at the environmental damage we have done to the Earth?

It is said that our industrialists know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Meanwhile, the lobbyists have managed to get the state of the environment onto the political agenda, which is a start. But there is a long way to go before society has cleaned up its act. mallon.htm