EVER wondered why Denis Thatcher always obeyed his wife? Contrary to popular myth it wasn't because he was scared - it was because he was her puppet.

An exhibition at Gateshead's Shipley Art Gallery features larger-than-life paper caricatures of the rich and famous in guises you've never seen before.

The Iron Lady is seen as a puppeteer pulling her hapless husband's strings, John Prescott is seen as a circus artist and controversial artist Damien Hirst has been sliced into three pieces and mounted in glass tanks surrounded by toy farm animals.

Visitors are being invited into the weird world of caricature artist Peter Rush, who came up with the unique exhibition.

Gallery curator Ann Fletcher-Williams said: "We are looking forward to inviting Peter Rush's new exhibition here.

"The gallery has organised a wonderful series of events to run alongside the exhibition including workshops."

The exhibition, called Rush on Them, opened yesterday and upcoming events include a programme of special activities to celebrate Peter Rush's quirky vision.

For more information on the display, which lasts until late March, contact Clare Smith or Robert March on 0191 4774495.